Comprehensive Lash Training
Fair Maven | Derma • Lash • Pro
The Pro:
Comprehensive Eyelash Extension Training
The lash industry is as competitive and fickle as they come. To stay on top, you need to commit to your education and training so that you can not only build a foundation of skills but keep those skills current.
As a master lash artist, I understand the importance of continuing to learn and perfect my craft. I offer a keen eye to correct errors, instilling confidence in those who seek my tutelage and helping them develop into the best artists they can be.
**Distance or online learning available through Zoom interactions.**
Beginner Classic Eyelash Extension Training
As an internationally trained Master Lash Artist, I have begun spreading my knowledge to those looking to enter the field of eyelash extensions. The Fair Maven comprehensive beginners lash course is a complete, 2-day class full of 1-on-1 instruction and tailored specifically to your individual needs.
Training Areas Covered
- Introduction to Extensions
- Lash Supplies and Product Overview
- Four Key Components to Client Safety
- Basic Principals of Lash Design
- Procedure and Technique
- Checking Work and Troubleshooting
- Treatment Areas and Supply Set-Up
After the 2-day training course, you will be fully confident and have a strong foundation and skill set from which to grow as an artist. You will be taught a unique technique that ensures maximum retention and client satisfaction. As you will have a solid foundation, knowledge base and skill set all that will be left is to increase speed which will be easily attainable from the solid foundation provided.
A follow-up mentoring session will be booked post-course. Thereafter, access to mentoring will be self-directed based on need.
What is Included?
- 3-month post-training mentoring
- Full starter kit
- Fully supervised live model application
- A strong focus on lash styling and artistry
- A unique application technique for excellent lash retention
- 100% Isolation technique
- Business and marketing strategies
- Sterilization techniques and hygiene
- An amazing foundation to grow from
Post course, 2 clients will be required to have full certification. You will have ample time to complete those.
Course Cost
No Additional Fees
Volume Eyelash Extension Training
This course is designed specifically for experienced lash artists ready to up their game. A foundation in Classic application is highly recommended as Russian Volumes are an advanced technique. Isolation technique must be mastered prior to taking the course.
Training Areas Covered
Fundamentals of fan creation
Weights and fan styles
How to choose lash extension weight
Application for maximum retention
Artistry and styling
Attachment troubleshooting
Best products for success
The full 8-hour 1-on-1 instructional training session will be tailored to your needs specifically.
What is Included?
- Starter kit extension packs of tried and tested products (0.05 Volume lashes, 0.07 Volume lashes, Volume tweezers)
- Full starter kit
- Fully supervised live model application
- A strong focus on lash styling and artistry
- A unique application technique for excellent lash retention
- Continued mentoring post certification
Course Cost
No Additional Fees
Other Fair Maven Training Options
Fair Maven Mentoring Program
As a master lash artist, I understand the importance of continued learning and education to truly hone your skills to become a leader in artistry and skill. I offer a keen eye to correct errors and perfect technique to propel you to the next level as an artist. Spend an hour or a day. The choice is yours.
Mentoring Cost
Hourly rate – $120
3-hour package – $330
No Additional Fees
8-Hour “Top-Up” Training
Not all lash courses and artists are created equal. If you have taken a lash course and have some skills but feel as though you are missing the fundamentals of isolation, attachment and lashing for the best lash health of your clients, this is for you! An 8-hour 1-on-1 training session designed to polish up your fundamentals so you may grow confidently as an artist.
“Top-Up” Cost
No Additional Fees
What things should you look for in a Lash Instructor?
As an instructor, it is my job to assess the area of need for the student. Having an instructor that can adapt to your individual needs is important to your success. As this is a microenvironment small improvements can have a large impact on results. Having a trained eye, I am able to see the subtle changes that may be necessary to propel your learning forward and can troubleshoot any bad habits that may be forming before they become an issue.
- Years of experience
- Previous certifications
- Success of previous trainees
- Portfolio of students’ work and their own
- Within the course, is there a technical element to enhance understanding of product use, safety and sanitation?
- Instructors availability to you post-course for assistance with questions that are sure to arise.
- How many hours of instruction are being provided?
- Is there supervised live model work required in the course?
- Is the one-handed isolation technique part of the course?
- Does the trainer require benchmarks to have been achieved before moving on to advanced techniques?
- Look for patience, understanding, compassion and did I mention patience? As this requires working in a microenvironment there is nothing more deflating as a beginner than being rushed with this difficult skill.
Look for an instructor you have a rapport with and who you feel you could learn from.